Juillet 2010

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Thursday, July 2 20h30-22h00

Grand concert : orchestre TAXXI - Tango XXI
(Auditorium St Pierre des cuisines)

Shows, concerts, cinema


Thursday, 02 July 2015 : 20h30-22h00

Grand Concert with orquestra TAXXI - Tango XXI



One of the biggest event of Tangopostale 2015 !


TAXXI Paris was the city where the future members of TAXXI – Tango XXI, all musicians from very different horizons, met up and got the project rolling. Musical director, lead bandoneon, composer and arranger, Pablo Gignoli from Argentina sees himself very much as part of the Tango New Guard. This movement, dating from the mid-1990s but in full radical swing since the turn of the century, believes that there is still space for New Tango to be written.

Gignoliwas a member of the celebrated Fernandez Fierro Tango Orchestra for 8 years. With TAXXI – Tango XXI, he has developed a whole new repertoire of instrumental and sung pieces. Come along and discover more at this concert where multiple rhythms will express all the energy, romanticism and humour which characterise the orchestra. Enjoy the abrazo of the bandoneons, the sumptuous strings and the singer who is … nothing short of electric !

A great concert in prospect !

Three members of TAXXI -Tango XXI will also be leading a 3-day intensive music workshop during the festival.


17 € (reduced: 15, 13)
Attention : + 1€ if you buy in situ, avoid waiting !

Ticket Duo "show MJC July 1st + Concert Saint Pierre July 2d" :
normal : 24 € - reduced: 20 or 18 €
3 € saving / buying by internet and 4 € / buying in situ

DUO TICKETS are only available by Internet


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Peoples (click on a name to get more informations)

  Location   Auditorium Saint-Pierre des Cuisines
  Place Saint-Pierre
  31000 - Toulouse

Site de l'auditorium



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